Currently: very behind in my reading
Currently: worried about when the heck I will have enough time to write that killer of an essay for the Sorbonne before Dec.1st, with all the traveling I'm planning to do in November.
If all goes as planned, next month I will go to Amsterdam (Nov. 7-9), Aix-en-Provence (Nov.21-23), and London (Nov. 28-30). Amsterdam is a definite yes, as I've already bought tickets with friends. I might not do Aix, because my friend who I was planning on going with is dependent on a friend of hers staying there, and so far hasn't said anything about it in weeks. If that's the case, I might go to London/Cambridge Nov. 21st so I could be back in Reid Hall for the delicious (/free!!!) Thanksgiving feast they're preparing. Although plenty of people I know are going to London that day, so... food, or socializing? Food? Socializing? Food? Socializing? Deciding factor will be when I should be done with the paper. So, against all gluttonous insticts (and I have them aplenty), I might actually go the 28th so I could have ample time to finish that beast of a Saint Augustine/Rousseau/Montaigne paper.
ALSO, a Chagall oral presentation on Wednesday. 15 minutes, tout en francais. Thankfully I am an expert art history bullshitter, to the extent of being confused as to when I'm actually bullshitting. (I kid, really: I believe absolutely everything I say, even if it is ridiculously stupid and pretentious when I talk about art history).
My posts have been obnoxiously long as of late, so I'll keep this one relatively short.
I have already been dreading going back to American food. I cannot imagine a life where people do not walk around with baguettes tucked under their elbow! (It's inevitable, people. It's fresh, the French don't do bags, and they're too damn long to fit anywhere [that's what she said! *snicker*] ). And the fruits and vegetables are so much fresher in Europe.
Also, Paris is all of the sudden freezing. 50 and dropping. Rainy as all hell, although the rain actually gives it a picturesque feel, like that one famous Caillebotte at the Art Institute of Chicago, one of my favorite paintings of the period:

1 comment:
also one of my favs.
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