Then: Ratatat, live, at Nouveau Casino, a delightful chameleon-esque venue in the 11th. It was, and I kid you not, the best show I had ever seen. LASERS! FOG! GUITARS! SYNTHESIZERS! And the most perfect set imaginable. (Read more about it in the other blog)
Fucking brilliant.
My favorites? Opener "Shiller" (1st track of LP3), 3rd song "Germany to Germany" (from their debut Ratatat), "Wildcat" (from Classics). I recommend that everyone downloads/buys the new album LP3. Almost every song is brilliant. One of the best albums of the year, in my opinion.
Incredible concert. Nate and I met a fellow American at the concert who goes to Cornell; for some reason us Americans-in-Paris just tend to attract others of the same sort, forming an entourage of expatriates. Weird, yet...
After the concert, it was 11:15-ish and Nate tells me that Justice (!!!) is giving a free concert at the Virgin Megastore on the Champs-Elysses (!!!) until midnight to celebrate the release of their new DVD, Live in San Francisco. Although half of me just wanted to go home, nurse my poor ringing ears, and bask in the memory of the best show EVER. But of COURSE I say yes.
So around 11:30 we get out of the Franklin D. Roosevelt stop, and the Champs lie before us, decorated for the holidays. It was raining a little, and although the picture is... how you say, comme ci comme ca, it was... magical.
Justice I have seen before-- 1st week in Paris, as a matter of fact, at the Social Club, which you might actually remember. But at that point I wasn't familiar with them, which of course didn't keep me from having a blast. This time, however, Nate and I managed to sneak our way into the front and have our hearing blasted away by the speakers. Justice? Predictably fantastic. Fucking wonderful, more like.
Nate is OBSESSED with Justice, so we spent about an hour after the show trying to find them on the street. In the rain. Obviously a failure, but since when is being in the Champs-Elysees a bad thing?
Took the night bus home, arrived home at 1:30 AM. Collapsed into bed at 2:12. Up at 8:00, Ratatat and Justice still playing in my head. Amazing.