So, I'm sitting on the metro just half an hour ago, minding my own business and attempting to read Rousseau's Confessions. I get distracted by two women with newspapers sitting across from me, both with covers showing Obama and the election (as I've said previously, Paris is obsessed with Obama). I stare at their newspapers, subtly reading over their shoulders, which is actually a really bad and slightly awkward habit of mine when I'm on the metro (ooops).
On the title page there are photos of various countries celebrating the Obamallama's victory, INCLUDING France. And I think, Hey, I was there, maybe I'll recognize some of the people in the photo.
And then I look.
My first newspaper cover!
All the sudden I gasp and say (in English, embarassingly enough) "OHMYGAWD," pointing to the cover and saying, "C'est moi!" and blushing like a madwoman. The lady holding the newspaper chuckles and asks if I want the paper, and though I clearly do, not knowing where in my neighborhood I could find a kiosk open in the evening, I shake my head. She laughs and carefully tears it out of the newspaper and gives me the cover page.
Ironic, isn't it? That the "Parisians" celebrating Obama's victory on the cover of Metro (not the most renowned of newspapers, but it's a start! And hey, a leg up from the Columbia Spectator, right?) are in fact a bunch of shwasted Americans on rue Daunou. It is, in fact, the Americans that Paris represented as the overjoyed French populace. *chuckles*
Think about this as a "Where's Waldo" adventure.
Almost all these peeps are from Reid Hall or friends of Reid Hall. The girl I'm hugging with enthusiasm is Paulina's friend Sonia, and the content-looking boy behind her is Cristian, who is from Reid Hall.
We are beyond awesome.
That is beyond cool. I recognized you immediately.
I was interviewed by some college reporter from Northwestern, but my decidely un-quotable musings aren't likely to show up in print. BUT, if you look really close at some of those shots of Grant Park, I think you can see me. I'm the indistinguishable blur. The one in the back.
holy moley. thats awesome.
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