I had to watch "An American in Paris" multiple times for my french/american cinema paper (that I am currently procrastinating for by writing in this), and found a few quotes that apply extremely well to my time here in Paris, and that probably say more about my experience than I ever could.
Jerry Mulligan: She's one of those third year girls who gripe my liver...You know, American college kids. They come over here to take their third year and lap up a little culture...They're officious and dull. They're always making profound observations they've overheard.
(haha, very true)
Adam Cook: It's not a pretty face, I grant you, but underneath its flabby exterior is an enormous lack of character.
(i just really love this quote)
Lise Bouvier: Maybe Paris has a way of making people forget.
Jerry Mulligan: Paris? No. Not this city. It's too real and too beautiful to ever let you forget anything. It reaches in and opens you wide, and you stay that way. I know. I came to Paris to study and to paint because Utrillo did, and Lautrec did, and Roualt did. I loved what they created, and I thought something would happen to me, too. Well, it happened all right. Now what have I got left? Paris. Maybe that's enough for some but it isn't for me anymore because the more beautiful everything is, the more it will hurt without you.
(This one in particular reached me to the core)
In other recent developments, I am in love with Gene Kelly, and refuse to ever date a boy again who isn't as equally charming, hilarious, and working class. Check out that baseball cap. Freaking adorable is what he is.
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